Vegan Birthday Ice Cream Cake (V, DF, GF)

I have been making this ice cream cake ever since I got my first Pampered Chef Cookbook as a kid! It was a staple at all of our family birthday parties growing up and is always a big hit every time I’ve made it since then! As my dietary preferences and lifestyle changed, so did the ingredients in this cake. I now make this cake for my boo and my babies using products that are made with real ingredients and are dairy-free and gluten-free. This in no way compromises the taste of this amazing, delicious cake. The best part? You don’t have to be a chef to make it. It just requires a springform pan, some chopping, assembly and refreezing. Save this recipe for your next celebration – trust me 🙂

Vegan Birthday Ice Cream Cake (V, DF, GF)
Prep time
Total time
Serves: 10-12 people
  1. Take the ice cream out of the freezer to thaw and place the cookies in a food processor. Use the pulse button to chop up the cookies, but not turn them into dust. You will do it multiple times for a few seconds at a time until they are chopped into small pieces to keep some crunch in the crust. Place the cookie crumbs into a small bowl.
  2. Now melt the vegan butter or coconut oil in the microwave for about 15-30 seconds until it is completely melted. Pour the melted liquid over the cookie crumbs and stir until well combined. Make sure that all of the cookie crumbs are coated so that the crust can harden together in the freezer. If it looks dry, melt another tbsp of butter or coconut oil and add to the bowl until everything is coated well.
  3. Pour the cookie mixture into the bottom of the 9 inch springform pan (must use a springform pan or it will be very difficult to serve!) and evenly distribute it on the bottom of the pan using a spatula. Then press it down so all of the cookies will harden together to create a crunchy crust. Place back into the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Once the crust has hardened, take the pan out of the freezer and start spreading half of the ice cream over the crust with a spatula. Be gentle as you don’t want to pull any of the crust up!
  5. Once the first layer of ice cream is down, sprinkle the candy evenly on top of the ice cream and then gently press the candy into the ice cream with the spatula so it doesn’t get moved around when you put another layer of ice cream on top.
  6. Add the rest of the ice cream on top until it’s even and all of the candy is covered. Place back into the freezer for at least 45 minutes to refreeze together. I recommend doing this before the party starts so it’s firmed up and all you have to do is ice it before serving!
  7. Take the cake out 10 minutes before serving and run a butter knife around the edges of the cake and release the spring on the pan to remove it from the cake. Spread the coconut whip cream all over the cake and top with sprinkles. Enjoy!

Notes: For any leftovers, keep in the freezer in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks. 

Enjoy and don’t forget to tag me as I love seeing your creations 🙂

With Health + Happiness Always,

PS – Looking to get yourself moving again mama? Try my FREE 5 Day Movement for Mamas Challenge!

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